We’ve discussed everything from early prevention and mitigation methods, to regaining a healthy lifestyle in order to lessen our chances of an early diagnosis.
Now let’s talk about what happens if your parents (or loved ones) receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease from a healthcare professional. Every day, thousands of people are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease across the globe. It can be an overwhelming sense of dread or fear based on your own thoughts of what being a primary caregiver to your parents (or loved ones) will look like. We, at Remember When Homecare, would like to take this opportunity to break down what caring for your loved ones will look like; and don’t worry, you’re not alone.

One of the biggest things to keep in mind is that you cannot stop Alzheimer’s-related changes in behavior and/or personality. What you can do learn to cope with them; a few coping strategies that we (at Remember When Homecare) find helpful are:
Don’t be argumentative, especially when trying to use reason.
Reassure that your loved ones are safe, and you are there to help.
Have a routine, and maintain it. (This is an extremely helpful tip).
Have patients, and try not to show your frustration overtly.
Take a break!
These are just a small example of the tools that we use on a daily basis when dealing with clients with Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most important tips we can offer is to take a break (if you’re the primary caregiver) so you don’t get overwhelmed and frustrated. At Remember When Homecare, we understand that your daily lives still need to take place. Sometimes it is not always feasible to carry out your daily responsibilities (kids, groceries, work, etc.) as well as be the primary caregiver to your loved ones. This is why our caregivers offer respite care; this means that your loved ones will be taken care of and treated like our own family while you get caught up on rest and obligations of your own daily life.
If you feel like you may require services for your loved ones, or respite care for yourself, please feel free to reach out to our team and let us help your family through the more difficult times.
Remember When Homecare
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