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Let’s Get Physical!

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

As we get deeper into the winter months, sometimes we get in to a ‘hibernation mode.’ This simply means that we are more likely to sit inside in front of the television, rather than being up and about as we would during the warmer and brighter months.

It can be incredibly hard to find the energy to work out when it’s continuously dark outside, and the temperature seems to always be below zero. However there are still many things we can do to get moving and shaking around our homes.

Here are a few simple ways that you can get your heart pumping and your blood flowing without stepping too far outside of your routine:

  • While watching your favorite program on TV, put those arms and legs to use! Stretch your arms up to the sky and out in front of you. Get into a rhythm of lifting your legs straight out and then back down. Simply by moving our extremities, we are creating circulation of our blood which helps move oxygen around and make us more cognitively aware and physically healthy. Who knew a few minutes looking silly in front of the TV could be so beneficial!

  • Ditch the remote! We’ve become rather accustomed to having everything in life at our fingertips. By pretending your television remote doesn’t exist, it will force you to get up and go turn the TV on/off and change the channels. It may seem like a pain to do, but remember this is for your cardiovascular health!

  • Go for a walk. This is one of the most beneficial things you can do for both your mental and physical health. Sometimes the dark and cold days can feel very draining, but after a little walk outside, somehow it feels totally different…like you could conquer the world.

Some discomfort now will help to ensure a long and healthy life. And eventually when we make these physical activities a habit, we won’t think of them as uncomfortable or a nuisance, but rather something we start to crave every day.

Do you or your loved ones need some assistance in attaining a proper physical routine? At Remember When Homecare, our caregivers are trained to assist you in whatever exercises you may require, with a wide range of programs to offer based on your physical needs and limitations.

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