The Mobile Food Market has been serving the Halifax communities since May of 2016 with fresh fruits and Veggies at a more affordable cost to you!
With a warm smile they will help you find what you need. Mobile Food Market' primary focus is to make it easier to buy fresh fruit and vegetables at affordable cost, they also work alongside community groups, organizations and community leaders to address food issues in their communities.
What Programs Does Mobile Food Market Run?
Community markets which are held every second weekend in Fairview in the central arena in the winter months and North End Halifax at the North Memorial Public Library. In the summer month look for their custom made Market vehicle.
Bulk food delivery service is another amazing program where Mobile Food Market delivers bulk fresh food to other community organization for things such as lunch or snack program for school, community pantry or there very own community market!
Senior fresh food box program runs which is ran by seniors! Mobile food market bring fresh fruit and veggies to two building in Halifax and Dartmouth were the seniors in the building bag the fresh fruit and veggies for the building!
To find out when the next market is please visit their website. you can also find them on all social media platforms!
