Have you just returned from holiday vacation and find yourself wondering if all those changes in your loved ones is just due to age? You would have been positive that the wit and retort of your loved ones used to be razor sharp, but now you’re finding those feelings are absent. Before issuing a full blown five alarm emergency in your mind, try and remember that cognitive stimulation is paramount in preventing, and in some cases subsiding, dementia symptoms and debilitation.
We tend not to notice change if it happens gradually, especially if we are continually present. Some cognitive decline is totally normal as we age, but when should we start to be concerned? Our caregivers at Remember When Homecare are trained to look for the first signs of dementia and cognitive decline. There are several scenarios that can look like early onset dementia, however when we dig deeper, we’ll find some are quite easily remedied with very little intervention.

Symptoms don’t always reflect an accurate diagnosis; here are a few examples of ‘false’ dementia:
Improper diet can be a huge factor in how people act/react. Over the holiday season we tend to indulge in treats and eating habits that are not normally sustainable. If your loved one is not getting the proper vitamins and nutrients, they can slowly appear to have severe cognitive decline. The simple fix here is to ensure they are getting their proper daily dietary requirements. There is a fantastic blog we created at www.rememberwhenhomecare.com that highlights the importance of the various array of vitamins and nutrients that, once implemented, can assist in lifting the ‘brain fog.’
Regular check-in’s on medications is one of the most beneficial things you can do. As we age, the requirement for various medications tends to go up (blood pressure, pain, blood sugar, etc.). Not all of these medications play well with each other, and something as simple as taking an OTC pill for muscular pain can have severe side effects when combined with some long-term medications. Ensuring your loved ones are taking their medication on schedule, and abiding by their doctors recommendations (with/without food, before bed, first thing in the morning, etc.), can be one of the most beneficial routines for seeing improvement in overall health. If you’re concerned that your loved ones are not adhering to their medication schedule, our caretakers at Remember When Homecare offer medication reminders, and ensure all doctors recommendations are adhered to.
If you or your loved one have noticed any changes and feel like you could use an extra helping hand, please feel free to reach out to us at info@rememberwhenhomecare.com and we can come do a free assessment today.
Remember When Homecare
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