Remember When Homecare owners, Jeff and Ashley, attended a luncheon today on the future of healthcare in Nova Scotia. Here is their take on the event itself, as well as the encouraging prospects of a new future of healthcare.
The event was hosted by Halifax Chamber of Commerce President Patrick Sullivan, where The Future of Nova Scotia’s Healthcare was presented.
The Honourable Michelle Thompson (Minister of Health) and Karen Oldfield (Pres./CEO Nova Scotia Health) discussed new strategies that are being implemented (quite literally as we speak) in order to overhaul a healthcare system that is being pushed to the brink. There was a tremendous attendance of members from the community, front line medical workers, members of parliament, and entrepreneurs where mutual involvement (between the private sector and government) was being encouraged in order to implement the new strategies put forth.
The optimism was palpable as Ms. Oldfield spoke candidly about the dedication and effort that Ms. Thompson is putting forth, going so far as to say she would “follow her anywhere.” Given Ms. Oldfield’s illustrious career, that compliment has given a sense of reassurance that has resonated with us personally and professionally.
As homecare service providers, we were encouraged to hear topics such as shortages of long term care facilities, inundated hospitals (currently working at 100% capacity), and the recruitment and retention of healthcare providers addressed head on.
By having more direct involvement and communication between service providers and government departments, we can ensure a greater number of Nova Scotians are cared for.
Remember When Homecare⠀
