On the sixth day of Christmas with Remember When Homecare it’s time for crafting! When decorating the Christmas tree, it seems as though the ornaments that generate the most fond memories are ones that are handmade. Have you ever noticed that some ornaments and decorations can bring you down memory lane, and suddenly you find yourself drifting off with a smile on your face as you remember the fun times you had in the process?

Cognitive stimulation is key in all of our lives, and as we age it becomes even more important. The steps involved in making a simple tree ornament use motor skills and thought processes such as problem solving and rational thinking. It may sound elaborate, but when doing something fun with friends and family, you're giving your brain the exercise it needs to stay healthy and effective.
If your family and friends live away and you find yourself solo during the holidays, there’s no need to fret. Let our caregivers at Remember When Homecare assist you in decking your halls with a new special homemade ornament. Our little helpers have many creative recipes up their sleeves for everything from Christmas tree ornaments to unique Christmas cards to send to your friends and family. Then in years to come, you can look back with a smile as you remember the fun times you had creating some unique Christmas accoutrement.
Remember When Homecare
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