Whether you're 25 or 75, it seems as though the nagging question "what's for supper?" is something that stays with us throughout our lives. The main difference is that as we age, our dietary habits are more important than ever. As we have previously discussed on our blog posts at rememberwhenhomecare.com, proper nutrition/dietary habits are one of the key variables that ensures we are setting ourselves up for success in our golden years.
So, wouldn't it be nice if all of the logistics were taken out of the equation, and the biggest decision you had to make was whether or not you'd prefer soup or salad as a first course? This is becoming a reality for many seniors living at home. Whether it's receiving (at your door step) all of the ingredients to make your favorite dish, or perhaps getting ready-made meals delivered a couple times a week in which your biggest task is pre-heating the oven. Meals-to-your-door type companies seem to be continuing to evolve and make their services more broadly available.
One service provider that has been around and continues to make positive changes for the community is Halifax Meals on Wheels
If you're someone who prefers to have a home cooked meal made to your exact specifications, our caregivers at Remember When Homecare can handle your requests, from grocery shopping to cooking your favorite culinary delight. Feel free to reach out today for a free assessment to see how you can benefit with our professional services.

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